HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual "founded by Dr. Lotte Salzberger, is an Israeli human rights organization which aims to assist Palestinians residents of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel’s policy. HaMoked works for the enforcement of the standards and values of international human rights and humanitarian law.
"HaMoked was established in 1988, against the backdrop of the first intifada. At the time, the organization was designed to help Palestinians injured by the “broken bones” policy, and was called “The Hotline for Victims of Violence”." [1]
In 2000 they received $150,000 from the Ford Foundation "For human rights advocacy and legal action to promote the rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories." [2]
- Executive Director - Ms. Dalia Kerstein
Accessed May 2008: [3]
- Chairperson - Dr. Yosef Schwartz
- Dr. Rafi Meron - Treasurer, Mr. Dan Bitan, Ms. Tagrid Jahashan (Advocate), Mr. Ala Khatib, Ms. Hedva Radovnitz, Dr. Elchanan Reiner, Mr. Daniel Seidemann (Advocate), Ms. Rachel Wagshal
- Comptroller Committee - Mr. Omar Nashaf, Dr. Frank Stewart
- Legal Advisor - Mr. Ophir Katz (Advocate)
- Accountant - Ahmed Manaa' (CPA)
HaMoked would like to acknowledge the support of the following donors in 2007: [4]
- British Embassy, Tel Aviv
- CCFD (French Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development), France
- E.E.D., Germany
- Commission of the European Communities
- Diakonia, Jerusalem
- Embassy Of Finland, Tel Aviv
- Ford Foundation, USA
- Misereor, Germany
- Mu'assasat, Ramallah, Representing Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland
- Minister for Development Cooperation, State of the Netherlands
- New Israel Fund, Israel
- Oxfam Novib, Netherlands
- Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- SAS Charitable Trust, England
- Government of Sweden, SIDA
- Sivmo, Sweden
- Swiss Cooperation Office Gaza and West Bank (SDC)
- Trocaire, Ireland