Hai Ha CHP power station

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Hai Ha CHP power station, also known as the Đồng Phát Hải Hà power station, is a proposed 2,100-megawatt (MW) coal plant complex in Hải Hà district, Quảng Ninh province, Vietnam.


The map below shows the location of Quảng Điền commune, the approximate location where the plant would be built, in Hải Hà district, Quảng Ninh province.

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In November 2014, Hong Kong-based Texhong Group, a textiles company, announced plans to build the Texhong Vietnam Industrial Zone in Quảng Điền commune.[1][2][3]

In February 2017, the prime minister of Vietnam gave the go-ahead to plans by Texhong Hai Ha Industrial Park Co., Texhong's subsidiary, to build a four-unit, 2,100-MW coal-fired power plant at the Texhong Vietnam Industrial Zone.[4] Construction of industrial park began in early 2019.[5] In March 2019 the Quang Ninh Department of Natural Resources and Environment confirmed that the Texhong Group had not yet submitted an environmental impact statement for the park.[6] In April 2019 the Quang Ninh People's Committee ordered the Texhong Group to halt construction as not all legal procedures for building the park had been completed. In May 2019 construction was reportedly continuing despite the stop order.[6]

The revised Power Development Plant VII (PDP7) lists four phases of the Hải Hà CHP power station, coming online in 2019 (Phase 1, 150 MW), 2022 (Phase 2, 750 MW), 2025 (Phase 3, 600 MW), and 2028 (Phase 4, 600 MW).[7]

The 2016 PDP7 lists the units of the plant as follows:

  • Phase I: Units 1, 2, and 3 - 3 x 50 MW (150 MW total) - 2019
  • Phase II: Units 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - 5 x 150 MW (750 MW total) - 2022
  • Phase III: Units 9 and 10 - 2 x 300 MW (600 MW total) - 2025
  • Phase IV: Units 11 and 12 - 2 x 300 MW (600 MW total) - 2028

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Texhong Hai Ha Industrial Park Co.
  • Parent company: Texhong Group
  • Location: Quảng Điền commune, Hải Hà district, Quảng Ninh province, Vietnam
  • Coordinates: 21.4154607, 107.7430017 (exact)
  • Status: Pre-permit development
  • Gross Capacity: 2,100 MW (Phase 1: 150 MW, Phase 2: 750 MW, Phase 3: 600 MW, Phase 4: 600 MW
  • Type:
  • Projected in service: Phase I: 2020; Phase II: 2022; Phase III: 2025; Phase IV: 2028
  • Coal Type:
  • Coal Source:
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. TUYỂN DỤNG, Texhong Vietnam website, accessed June 2017.
  2. Texhong invests in industrial park in northern Vietnam, China Daily, 17 Nov. 2014.
  3. Hải Hà phấn đấu trở thành điểm đến lý tưởng của các nhà đầu tư, Bao Quang Ninh, 13 Apr. 2016.
  4. chi tiet.aspx?newsid=32223&dt=2017-02-14&cid=13 Giao Công ty TNHH KCN Texhong Hải Hà làm chủ đầu tư dự án Nhà máy nhiệt điện Hải Hà, Quang Ninh Province website, 14 Feb. 2017.
  5. China’s textile factory project suspended in Quang Ninh, intellasia.net, Jun. 15, 2019
  6. 6.0 6.1 Texhong Textile : project developed illegally in Quang Ninh, Market Screener, May 16, 2019
  7. DANH MỤC CÁC DỰ ÁN NGUỒN ĐIỆN VÀO VẬN HÀNH GIAI ĐOẠN 2016 - 2030, Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số 428/QĐ-TTg ngày 18 tháng 3 năm 2016 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ (LIST OF POWER PROJECT IN OPERATION PERIOD 2016 - 2030, Issued together with Decision No. 428 / QD - TTg of March 18, 2016 by the Prime Minister)

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