Harold P Goldfield

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the ScienceCorruption.com journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to editor@sciencecorruption.com


This article is part of the Tobacco portal on Sourcewatch funded from 2006 - 2009 by the American Legacy Foundation.

Harold P Goldfield (always known just as HP) was a professional lobbyist who worked specifically in the area of international lobbying of conservative politicians through the international network of contact provided by the International Democrat Union (IDU) and its subsidiaries the European Democrat Union (EDU) and Pacific Democrat Union (PDU). He also used the services of the Mont Pelerin Society and its associated Libertarian think-tank network known as the Atlas Group, which had been set up in the USA by Antony Fisher with the aid of Lord Harris of High Cross and the Institute for Economic Affairs in London.

Documents & Timeline

1973:, B.A., Connecticut College, CT;

1977:, J.D., Georgetown University, DC;

1977:, M.A., Occidental College, CA, magna cum laude;

1976 - 80: He was with the Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention

1981 - 84: At the White House during first Reagan Administration

1984 - 88: Department of Commerce. Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Dept of Commerce during second Reagan Administration

1988 - 92: (GAP IN RECORDS)

1992 - 2003: Lobbyist with Swidler Berlin


1992 June 30 Phil Francis (Philip Morris Australia Corporate head) to Matt Winokur (PM USA running the Worldwide Regulatory Agency) about the problems of Australian packet warning label requirements.

  • About a week ago Wills (BAT) decided to take action in the Administrative Law Court for Denial on Natural Justice. Such action would necessitate each of Australia's nine Health Ministers being taken to court. I refused involvement as did Rothmans subsequently, and Wills have now decided against proceeding.
  • In the States of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia the Health Minister would recommend strongly that the warnings proceed. In the States of Tasmania, Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is very likely that Cabinet would procrastinate. New South Wales will have a new Health Minister by the end of the week. So to answer your specific question, it is the Premiers and Health Ministers for Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia who need turning around.
  • Bryan Simpson is employed in gaining support of allies such as Business Council of Australia, Confederation of Australian Industry, media, unions, advertising, growers, suppliers.
    [Simpson, who had been an executive with Rupert Murdoch's Herald & Weekly Times and head of the Media Council of Australia, became the first head of the Tobacco Institute of Australia, and then Secretary General of INFOTAB in Brussels.]
  • If Goldfield wishes to leave Washington on July 6, that's fine - just let me know his schedule and also of course if you require us to make any reservations. [2]

[MCDS = Ministerial Council on Drug Standards -- the Health Minister's joint meeting on labelling]

1992 July 11: Matt Winokur writes to Geoff Bible. HP Goldfield has been recommended by Craig Fuller as a good political strategist with contacts in Australia. He is leaving for Australia on the weekend of July 11 1992 [3]

His list of appointments (Philip Morris files)

  • Philip Morris - Goldberg, Francis, Hargrave
  • Federal Liberals - Peacock, Costello (IDU)
  • Teleconference with Marie Tehan (Liberal Opposition Health in Vic)
  • John Harvey ex Chief of Staff to Greiner and Peacock
  • Bronwyn Bishop (Dep Chair PDU)
  • Greg Wood DFAT, Ken Pettifer, DITAC, Trevor Wilson D of PM & Cabinet
  • L Stuart Allen, Economic, US Embassy
  • Graham Morris et al, Liberal
  • Martin Deukley et al Ministry of Health
  • Labor - Kerry Sibraa and Terry Aulich (Chm) Caucus Committee on Consuer affairs
  • Liberal - Robert Hill (Opposition leader in Senate), Bronwyn Bishop + party officials
  • Philip Morris - Bill Webb, Goldberg, Francis, et al


John Harvey had also worked for Jeff Kennett. Bronwyn Bishop was a Regional Vice President of the International Democrat Union

2003: HP Goldfield worked Briefly at Conoco Philips

2003 - 09 /E: Lobbyist with Hogan & Hartson

2009: He worked briefly at Stonebridge International - obviously a merger
2009 - 17: Alrbight Stonebridge Group (overlaps with Hogal Lovells)

2010 - 17 > Hogan Lovells