Huadian Shantou Fengsheng power station

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This article is part of the CoalSwarm coverage of China and coal

Huadian Shantou Fengsheng power station (华电汕头丰盛电厂) is a proposed 1,200-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Guangdong Province, China.


The map below shows the proposed location for the plant in Haimen Town, Chaoyang District, Shantou City.

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Background on Project

The proposed 1,200 MW power station was reported as approved by the Provincial Energy Board in 2011.[1] Approval was later suspended in 2011, reportedly due to local concerns over the environmental effects.[2] Before the suspension, construction was planned to begin in 2012.[3]



The 2011 Haimen protest of December 2011 occurred in the town of Haimen. The protests, which drew thousands of participants, were met with detentions and tear gassing by authorities.[4]

Protests were ignited over plans to build a new coal-fired power plant in the town, —Huadian Shantou Fengsheng power station that residents opposed, arguing that existing coal-fired plants ---- Huaneng Haimen Power Station, which is 1 mile away from the proposed plant, had caused environmental and health damage.[4][5] Demonstrations began on Tuesday, 20 December when thousands of residents barricaded a freeway and surrounded government offices in an attempt to block the project.[4] [6]

According to AFP, the riot police fired tear gas into the crowd and beat protesters with riot sticks.[7] Late on 20 December, the state-run Xinhua News Agency said that five residents had been detained on vandalism charged, and published a declaration from the Shantou city council announcing that the "Shantou deputy and municipality already decided to stop the project.[8] Unconfirmed reports of two deaths circulated online following the first day of protests, though authorities denied these reports.[9]

Tensions cooled by 23 December, 2011, after Communist Party officials declared that the plant would be temporarily suspended, and authorities agreed to release detained protesters.[10]

Although the protests in Haimen were unrelated to demonstrations in nearby Wukan, Haimen residents told Reuters that they had followed developments in Wukan closely, regarding it as a good model of how citizens might negotiate with authorities.[9]


Protests were again reported in 2014.[11] Twelve people were arrested for blocking the road to the plant, "disturbing public order".[12]

In late 2015, plans for the power plant were revived.[13][14]


2016: Nationwide Restrictions Imposed on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity

Due to new restrictions announced during 2016 by the National Energy Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission, known as the traffic light policy, further capacity expansions at this location appear to be on hold or cancelled. For details, see China's 2016 Restrictions on Development of Coal-Fired Power Capacity.

Project suspended by central government

In January 2017 China's National Energy Board directed the Guangdong Province to suspend or postpone nine coal projects in the province, including Huadian Shantou Fengsheng, due to excess coal capacity.[15]

Project revived

The project is listed in a Guangdong province list of new construction projects for 2019.[16] Plans for the project therefore appear to be revived, although there is no sign of construction as of December 2019.

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Huadian Power International, Shantou Fengsheng Power Investment Corporation
  • Parent company: China Huadian (51%), Shantou Power Investment Corporation (49%)
  • Location: Haimen Town, Haimen Point, Chaoyang District, Shantou City, Chaoyang district, Guangdong Province, China
  • Coordinates: 23.165247, 116.639699 (exact)
  • Status: Permitted
  • Gross capacity: 1,200 MW (Units 1-2: 600 MW)
  • Type: Ultra-supercritical
  • Projected in service:
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. "华电丰盛汕头"上大压小"发电项目昨奠基," Sina, 2011-10-22
  2. 華電發電項目暫停, 中國報,20 December 2011
  3. "海门电厂环保受质疑 华能及华电项目或受影响," Southeast Network, 2011-12-21
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Michael Wines, Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters in Chinese City, New York Times, 23 December 2011.
  5. 广东海门逾万民众抗议反对建电厂 BBC中文網,2011年12月20日
  6. "广东汕头几万人抗议建电厂 攻下镇政府二楼" accessed June 2013
  7. Police in China fire tear-gas, beat protesters: witnesses Google News:AFP,20 December 2011
  8. "市委、市政府妥善处置潮阳区海门镇部分群众堵塞深汕高速公路的行为汕頭日報,2011/12/21
  9. 9.0 9.1 Reuters, Chinese official denies reports of deaths at Haimen protest, 21 December 2011.
  10. Agence France Presse, South China town unrest cools after dialogue, 23 Dec 2011.
  11. "汕头警方通报"海门事件":抓获12人," Dayoo, 2014-07-10
  12. "[广东汕头通报称海门事件 已抓获12名冲击电厂疑犯,", 2014-07-11
  13. "广东华电丰盛汕头电厂“上大压小”新建项目环境影响报告书审批前公示"Guangdong Provincial EPA, 2015-11-18
  14. "关于广东华电丰盛汕头电厂“上大压小” 新建项目用海申请的公示," Government of Chaoyang District, 2016-8-12
  15. "9个项目遭遇“禁令” 广东煤电投资刹车" 财新网北极星电力网, 2017-01-13
  16. 广东省 2019 年重点建设项目计划, 广东省发展和改革委员会, 2019 年 3 月

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