Huadian Suzhou power station

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This article is part of the CoalSwarm coverage of China and coal

Huadian Suzhou power station (华电安徽宿州发电公司一期) is a 1,260-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Anhui Province, China.


The map below shows the location of the plant, in Yongqiao District, Suzhou Prefecture, Anhui Province.

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Background on Plant

Huadian Suzhou power station is a two-unit coal-fired power plant with a total capacity of 1,260 MW. The plant was completed in 2007, and is owned by China Huadian.[1]

Proposed expansion

The second phase of the power plant, with 2 units totaling 2000MW, were proposed in June 2015.[2][3]

The units were listed in the Anhui Province Power Development 13th 5-Year Plan as a back-up project, released in May 2017.[4]

However, with no progress since 2015, units 3-4 appear to be abandoned.

Plant Details Units 1-2

  • Sponsor: Huadian Power International Corp
  • Parent company: Huadian
  • Location: Yongqiao District, Suzhou Prefecture, Anhui Province, China
  • Coordinates: 33.8062818, 116.9818874 (exact)
  • Status: Operating
  • Gross capacity: 1,260 MW (Units 1 & 2: 630 MW)
  • Type: Supercritical
  • In service: 2007
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Plant Expansion Details Units 3-4

  • Sponsor: Huadian Power International Corp
  • Parent company: Huadian
  • Location: Yongqiao District, Suzhou Prefecture, Anhui Province, China
  • Coordinates: 33.8062818, 116.9818874 (exact)
  • Status: Cancelled
  • Gross capacity: 2,000 MW (Units 3 & 4: 1,000 MW)
  • Type: Ultra-Supercritical
  • In service:
  • Projected in service:
  • Coal type:
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. Anhui Huadian Suzhou Coal Power Plant China, Global Energy Observatory, accessed Sept. 2015. (The location of the plant shown on the GEO page is that of the Suzhou Huiyuan plant, as shown in Google Maps.)
  2. "《华电宿州电厂二期2×1000MW水源条件分析报告》咨询会," 2015/6/4
  3. "《华电宿州电厂二期2×1000MW水源条件分析报告》咨询会," Anhui Huai River Technology Co, Ltd. 2015/6/4
  4. "安徽省电力发展“十三五”规划"安徽省能源局, 2017-5

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