James Colquhoun

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Biographical Information

"James Colquhoun, Nutritional consultant, documentary filmmaker and author James Colquhoun together with his partner and wife, Laurentine ten Bosch teamed up with the world's leading nutrition and natural medicine experts to create two best-selling documentaries that have revolutionized the food and health industry: Food Matters (film) and Hungry for Change. They went on to write a companion book Hungry for Change: Ditch Diets, Conquer the Cravings, and Eat Your Way to Lifelong Health. This ground-breaking book is rocking the health industry by empowering readers to transform their eating habits and reclaim their health. www.hungryforchange.tv"[1]


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  1. consciouslifeexpo Speakers, organizational web page, accessed May 8, 2014.