Jay Satia

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Professor Jay Satia Executive Director of the International Council on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP).

"Jay Satia has been the Executive Director of ICOMP since 1993. Established in 1973 and based in Malaysia, ICOMP is an international NGO dedicated to seeking excellence in management of population programmes. ICOMP has about 50 members comprising heads of government population/ reproductive health/ HIV/AIDS programs, large NGOs and management-related institutions.

"Jay Satia was previously Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India for more than 20 years and served as its dean from 1987-89.

"He has published extensively and has been a consultant to many governments and international agencies including the World Bank and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Professor Satia obtained his Ph.D. and masters in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University, USA." [1]

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  1. Advisory Group, Population and Sustainability Network, accessed April 24, 2008.
  2. Directors, PATH, accessed April 27, 2008.