Jian Guo

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Jian Guo is Executive Director of Newtech Energy, a small company proposing to construct a proposed brown coal briquetting plant in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria.[1]


A biographical note states that[1]:

"Dr Guo is Newtech Energy’s principle chemical engineer and scientist. Dr. Guo has had over 30 years’ experience in the research and development of new technologies in a wide range of fields including the drying and briquetting of brown coal, pyrolysis of organic materials, industrial rheology, hydrocarbons processing and separation technologies. He is an author of over 30 articles in journals and conferences. He has particular professional expertise on the technologies of brown coal upgrading including mechanical-thermal dewatering, hydrothermal dewatering and super-heated steam fluidized bed drying. Dr. Guo is an inventor of several patents for the handling, dewatering, and briquetting of brown coal. Dr. Guo also has extensive knowledge in the process and equipment design, as well as the commissioning of processing plants."

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Newtech Energy, "About Us: Management", Newtech Energy website, June 2013.

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