Jianyuan Coal Mine

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Jianyuan Coal Mine (鄂托克旗建元煤焦化有限责任公司建元煤矿) is a permitted coal mine with a production capacity of 5 million tonnes(Mt) per year. It is located within the territory of Otog Banner, Inner Mongolia.


The undated satellite photo below shows the coal mine located in A'erbasi Sumu, Otog, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China

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Coal Mine Background

In December 2012, the proposed updating project of Jianyuan Coal Mine was ratified by the Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission. The total production capacity each year has been increased from 1.2 Mt to 5Mt.[1]

The construction of Jianyuan Coal Mine began in May 2016 and is expected to complete and start operation in 2019.[2]

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Otog Banner Jianyuan Coking Co.
  • Parent Company: Hongxing International Development Co.
  • Location: A'erbasi Sumu, Otog, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China
  • GPS Coordinates: 39.342871,106.995121
  • Status: Construction
  • Production Capacity: 5 Mt/year
  • Total Resource:
  • Minable Reserves: 261.48Mt[3]
  • Coal Type: Bituminous
  • Mine Size: 25.42 k㎡[4]
  • Mine Type: Underground
  • Start Year:
  • Source of Financing:

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