Juliet Davenport

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"Juliet was appointed Chief Executive of Good Energy Group and Good Energy in 2002. Juliet started her career in renewable energy at Energy for Sustainable Development Ltd (ESD) in 1995 and became an Executive Director of ESD (now CAMCO) and of its sister investment company ESD Ventures Ltd in 1996. It was while a Director of ESD that she helped found Good Energy Ltd, which she later joined in 1999, initially as Commercial Director. Juliet was part of the management buyout team that acquired Good Energy in 2001. In addition, she has also taken roles on the board of Regen SW, an organisation set up to promote renewables in the South West of the UK. Juliet is highly regarded in the renewable energy industry and has held positions on several strategic and advisory boards. These include DECC Renewable Advisory Board, OFGEM Environmental Advisory Committee, Ministerial Smart Metering, and represents small suppliers on the Board of Energy UK. Juliet has an MA from Oxford and an MSc from Birkbeck College, London."[1]


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  1. Good Energy Group Juliet Davenport, organizational web page, accessed February 17, 2015 .