Kathryn Arnold
"As creative director of The Life Balance Institute, Kathryn Arnold is responsible for developing new multi-media projects based on the teachings, trainings, and programs of Phillip Moffitt.
B"efore joining the institute, Kathryn was the editorial director and editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal from 1998 until 2006 and continues to serve as Yoga Journal's editor-at-large. Her 20-year media career has included magazine, book, video, and Web publishing.
"Kathryn has practiced various styles of yoga (Sivananda, Ashtanga, and Iyengar) for the past 30 years and has studied vipassana meditation with Phillip for the past eight years. When she's not editing or meditating, she's practicing karma yoga as a volunteer at The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, California." [1]