Kit Beazley

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Biographical Information

"Kit joined the bank in 2008 with 16 years’ experience in the financial services industry. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London, where he continued to work for two years as a management consultant focusing on management information systems. He then moved into financial services, spending ten years with Chartered Trust, the UK consumer finance subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank. His roles included planning, treasury, finance and finally Head of Strategy, and he moved to Lloyds TSB to work in the Asset Finance Division when the company was sold to them. A move to Zurich Financial Services, where he worked in capital management and finance roles across the UK businesses, added insurance to his banking experience. He then moved to Stroud and Swindon Building Society where he worked as Finance Director for two years, before joining Triodos. Working at Triodos means Kit feels his work is now much better aligned with his long-standing support for organisations such as Friends of the Earth, Tree Aid and Sustrans. " [1]


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  1. Triodos Bank People, organizational web page, accessed September 4, 2012.