Kris Hallbom

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Biographical Information

"Kris Hallbom is an internationally recognized trainer, author and coach. She is the co-creator of the Money Clinic™ Program, which has been taught to live audiences in over 20 countries around the world; and has helped thousands of people create more of what they want in their lives. She is also the co-founder of the NLP & Coaching Institute, and has been actively involved in the field of NLP for over 25 years... She is a contributing author to the best selling books, “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide” and “Innovations in NLP”; and has produced numerous DVDs and articles on positive psychology, wealth consciousness and systems thinking...

"Kris began studying NLP in 1987 while obtaining her degree in Psychology, and went on to become a Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer of NLP. She worked at Anchor Point Associates, an internationally recognized NLP training organization from 1988 to 1996. During that time, the focus of her job was on educating the general public about NLP and enrolling students at the Institute...

"In 1999, Kris moved to Northern California with her husband Tim, to run and operate the NLP Institute of California, as well as the Academy for Coaching and NLP, which they co-founded together."[1]


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  1. thewealthymind Kris Hallbom, organizational web page, accessed June 13, 2013.