Krishna Gopala

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Biographical Information

"Mr. Krishna Gopala currently serves as the Chairman of Cafedirect plc in United Kingdom. CafeDirect plc. is ranked among the top brands in the world and was recently ranked as the 3rd most trusted brand in the UK, as results of a recent Reader's Digest poll. Krishna spends much of his time working for the underprivileged and the poor of the developing world in Africa, Latin America, India and SriLanka , through sustainable economic initiatives. Krishna has been featured in Time Digital Europe, Nikkei Electronics, De Volkskrant, Hitachi Hyoron, Le Monde, NHK TV, NBC News edition and recently on CNN Business News and Tanzanian National Television. Krishna is a well known speaker at Conferences, Seminars and Fortune 100 Boards on management topics, and is an alumni of Harvard Business School." [1]


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  1. Club of Budapest Krishna Gopala, organizational web page, accessed May 10, 2012.