Lata Krishnan

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Lata Krishnan "is the Vice Chair of the American India Foundation (AIF) ( since being involved in its founding in 2001. AIF is a premier foundation with a long-term commitment to accelerating social and economic development in India and strengthening the bonds between the US and India. AIF is chaired by President Clinton and includes luminaries from the community on the Board. AIF has three offices - Silicon Valley, New York and India. Krishnan is the Chief Financial Officer of Shah Capital Partners, a leading mid-market Technology Private Equity fund that was founded in 2003. Shah Capital Partners has over $300 Million of committed funds under management. Krishnan is also a Board member of the Silicon Valley Bank Financial Group. Previously in 1989, Krishnan co-founded SMART Modular Technologies, Inc. and served as its Chief Financial Officer. In 1999, SMART merged with Solectron Corporation in a transaction valued at over US$2 Billion. Prior to SMART, she held corporate accounting and finance positions at Montgomery Securities, Arthur Anderson & Company LLP, and Hill Vellacott & Company in London, England. Krishnan received a bachelor of science degree with honors from the London School of Economics and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Her community activities include: Board Member of the American India Foundation, The Commonwealth Club, CEO Women, and Global Heritage Fund, Fellow of the American Leadership Forum, Advisory Board positions for Narika and for the WAC Global Philanthropy Forum." [1]

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  1. [], Global Heritage Fund, accessed April 2, 2010.