Latinos for Reform

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{{#badges:stub|Front groups}} Latinos for Reform is conservative political action committee that shares the same Alexandria, Virginia post office box as several other registered PACs, including the Virginia Liberty Fund, Storm Chasers, and the American Spirit Fund. The treasurer of all three groups is Republican political operative Susan Arceneaux, and the assistant treasurer of all three groups is Christopher J. Ward. Arceneaux is a resident of Fairfax, Virginia, is a well-connected member of the Republican Party, as well as a long time aide of Dick Armey, a former Congressman from Texas and a close friend of Bush Jr. Arceneaux also is tied in with a number of other Republican groups close to Bush Jr. NY Times 8/24/04). [1][1] In filings for all three groups, Arceneaux gives her residential address as "10597 John Ayres Drive," which, along with the Latinos for Reform's P.O. Box number (P.O. Box 26366, Alexandria, Virginia, 22313), is also the address of the Admiral Roy F. Hoffman Foundation, and the address of Political Compliance Services, a consulting firm operated by Susan Arceneaux, and the same consulting firm used by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.[2]

Front group activities

Latinos for Reform serves as a front group for conservative Republican interests in the mid-term elections in October, 2010, by running a 60 second ad on television urging Latinos not (repeat NOT) to vote in the coming elections, as a way to "pay back" the Democratic Party for failing to enact immigration reform during the first two years of the Obama administration.[3][4]

Latinos for Reform "Don't Vote" ad


Latinos for Reform
P.O. Box 26366
Alexandria VA 22313

Domain name administrator contact:
Robert Deposada
P.O. Box 26366
Alexandria VA 22313

Related SourceWatch resources


  1. New PAC Registrations], accessed October, 19, 2010
  2. Tax Exempt/Nonprofit information for Admiral Roy F. Hoffman Foundation, accessed October 19, 2010
  3. Stephanie Condon, CBS News Ad Urging Latinos Not to vote Angers Democrats, October 19, 2010
  4. Thump and whip Right-wingers masquerading as “Latinos for Reform” beg Latinos not to vote Liberal blog, October 19, 2010