Lee Klinger

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Biographical Information

"Dr. Lee Klinger is an independent scientist living in Big Sur, California. Since 2005 he has served as director of Sudden Oak Life, a movement aimed at using ecologically-minded techniques to address the problem of oak mortality in California and elsewhere. In this role he strives to balance his activities between research, education, and practice of tree and soil science.

"Dr. Klinger has over 30 years of academic experience in the environmental sciences and has held scholarly appointments at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the University of Colorado, the University of Oxford, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has led numerous scientific field campaigns in the continental US, Alaska, Canada, Africa, and China, and has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in the fields of plant ecology, soil science, atmospheric chemistry, Gaia theory, and complexity.

"Much of Dr. Klinger’s academic focus has been in the science of Gaia. He has taught courses on Gaia theory at the University of Colorado and at Naropa University, and from 1996 to 2000 served as Vice-Chair of the Gaia Society, now the Earth Systems Science Special Interest Group of the Geological Society of London.

"Dr. Klinger also serves on the board of Teleosis Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to developing effective, sustainable health care provided by professionals who serve as environmental health stewards. He is also a Fellow of the Geological Society of London."[1]


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  1. Gaia University Board of External Reviewers, organizational web page, accessed September 15, 2013.