Liam Fox

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{{#badges:stub}} Liam Fox is a British Conservative politician who was Defense Secretary in the UK Government, but resigned in October 2011. Fox is "sympathetic to the neocon movement in the United States" and has associates linked to intelligence services, Mossad in particular.[1] He is a Conservative MP for North Somerset, and a founder of the British branch of The Atlantic Bridge, a defunct UK lobbying group/political action group with strong links to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and neoconservative groups in the US[2].

Israeli Connections

The Atlantic Bridge lobbying/PAC founded by Fox in the UK has strong links to pro-Israeli think tanks and lobbying groups.[3] Fox visited Israel many times, and attended the 2009 Herzliya conference, Israel's "Davos" encounter of Israeli policy makers, intelligence analysts, and like-minded foreign politicians. During the conference, Fox met with senior Israeli intelligence officers.[4] While a Defence Secretary, Liam Fox and Adam Werritty held meetings with the head of Mossad.[5]



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  1. Jane Merrick and James Hanning, Fox's best man and his ties to Iran's opposition, The Independent, 16 October 2011. Subtitle: An IoS Investigation: The murky world of Adam Werritty: Self-styled adviser 'had links to Mossad'.
  2. Merrick, ibid.
  3. Merrick, ibid.
  4. Merrick, ibid.
  5. Andrew Porter, Adam Werritty's use of Liam Fox’s diary put security at risk, Daily Telegraph, 18 October 2011.
  6. I work exclusively for the Atlantic Bridge, a UK-American think-tank of which my sponsor, Dr Liam Fox, is a founder member. In this role I receive funding from Pfizer Inc. I have no function in any health role (Dr Fox was Shadow Secretary of State for Health). I also do occasional work from home for Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein (an American law firm based in North Carolina).
  7. Trade Union Reform Campaign Parliamentary Council, organizational web page, accessed August 2, 2012.
  8. They Work for You Liam Fox's voting record, UK voting record database, accessed October 10, 2011
  9. Rupert Neate, Robert Booth, Rajeev Syal and Simon Bowers 'Adviser' Adam Werritty ran charity from Liam Fox's office UK Guardian, October 6, 2011