Lily Cubrilo

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Biographical Information

"Lily Cubrilo is a transformational business consultant, facilitator and coach. Whilst originally her undergraduate degree was Electrical Engineering, Lily very early on realised her passion for the kind of process that assisted people to realise their unknown potential and the impact that had on all aspects of their lives and work.

"Lily began facilitating with Insight in 1994 and facilitated the adult programs for Insight alongside her consulting practice. More recently Lily continues to deliver Insight seminars alongside her full time role with an international transformational business consultancy, Zaffyre International.

"As a business owner (previously) and practising management consultant, Lily’s clients have ranged from micro business to corporate. In the public and private sectors, at all levels of an organisation and within industries as varied as information technology, media, banking & finance, professional services and retail. She has participated in all the aspects of a delivery, from assessment, engagement, design, delivery and review.

"Over the last 18 years (and ongoing) Lily’s love is the study of Human Potential, Success Strategies and Business Development. Being a multi-disciplined student, she melds knowledge and skills from fields as diverse as Pure Science and Psychology, Business Management, Accounting, Neuro linguistic Programming and Accelerated Learning Strategies."[1]


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  1. Insight Seminars Lily Cubrilo, organizational web page, accessed July 17, 2013.