Linda Tellington-Jones

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Biographical Information

"The pioneering work of Linda Tellington-Jones has its roots in a philosophy that sees all beings -- humans and animals alike -- as reflections of a Divine Whole. The Tellington Method was first created in the 1970s as a system of animal training, healing and communication that allows people to relate to animals in a deep and compassionate way, facilitates interspecies connection, and honors the body, mind and spirit of both animals and people.

"Linda’s highly effective and revolutionary approach with animals has brought her world–wide recognition in the field of animal and human well-being. She has been an award–winning contributor to the world of horse training for over 40 years. In 1983 she introduced Tellington TTouch, a gentle form of touch that works at the cellular level to activate healing and well-being in animals and people. The Tellington Method affects behavior, performance, and health, and increases an animal’s willingness and ability to learn without force.

"Linda has co-authored fourteen books on TTouch for animals and two books in the field of human health care –TTouch for You with Sypbil Taylor (available in Germany only), and TTouch for Healthcare with M. Cecilia Wendler, PhD, RN, CCRN.

"Linda’s influence in health and healing—for animals and humans—reaches around the world with certification trainings on 4 continents and more than 1,000 certified Tellington TTouch practitioners in 27 countries, 16 books in 13 languages, and prime time television documentaries on five continents.

"Linda is a graduate of the 1978 Feldenkrais Professional Training Program at the Humanistic Psychology Institute of San Francisco, a community faculty member of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing, and holds an honorary PhD degree from Wisdom University." [1]


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  1. Wisdom University Institute for Interspecies Communication, organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2013.