Lord Krebs

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Biographical Information

"Lord Krebs has been Principal of Jesus College, Oxford since 2005. Prior to this, he was Chairman of the UK Food Standards Agency (2000-2005), and Chief Executive for the Natural Environment Research Council (1994-1999). Lord Krebs was appointed Trustee in 2008.

"A zoologist by training, Lord Krebs was a Royal Society Research Professor at Oxford from 1988-2005. In 2007 he chaired the working party of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics' report on the Ethics of Public Health.

"Lord Krebs sits in the House of Lords as an independent cross-bencher and is a member of the Science and Technology Select Committee. He is Chairman of the UK Science and Technology Honours Committee and Chairman of the Royal Society's Science Policy Advisory Group. He sits on the UK Climate Change Committee and chair its Adaptation Sub-Committee."[1]

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  1. Nuffield Foundation Trustees, organizational web page, accessed March 29, 2012.