Lori Galperin

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Biographical Information

"Lori Galperin began her 25-year career as a relational and sex therapist, training at Masters & Johnson Institute, where she eventually became co-director. As an outgrowth of working in this arena and becoming aware of the dearth of treatment contexts to address the more profound injuries that undermine healthy intimate and sexual functioning, Lori went on to co-found the first inpatient sexual trauma program in the country, ultimately establishing three such programs. Her work spanned diverse populations including incest families, sex offenders, victims of sexual abuse and individuals struggling with sexual addiction.These contexts gave her a unique entry point into the fields of trauma, dissociation and attachment theory and treatment. Lori says, “Amid 25 years of teaching, writing and program innovation runs the animating desire of bringing together all the ‘necessary and sufficient’ elements of healing. In service of that endeavor, my team and I attempt to endlessly identify, study and incorporate state-of-the-art techniques, methods and modalities – knowing full well that any vehicle is only as effective as its ability to allow in the Infinite.”Lori’s most recent work includes founding and clinically directing two treatment centers for eating disorders in St. Louis, Missouri, and another on the Monterey Peninsula of Northern California, where Lori hopes to (eventually) grow old by the sea." [1]


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  1. Center for World Spirituality Board of Trustees, organizational web page, accessed April 22, 2013.