Madan Thangavelu

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Biographical Information

"Madan is a genome biologist with a diverse academic background and range of research interests, Madan was born in India, home of Ayurvedic and other herbal systems of therapy and medicine.

"His B.Sc. in Agriculture and M.Sc. in Plant Breeding and Genetics are from the Haryana Agricultural University, India, and PhD in Molecular Genetics from the University of Cambridge where he also conducted post-doctoral research in human cancer genomics. Current research interests include the development of single DNA molecule and single cell techniques for genome analysis. At the MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology and later at the Medical Research Council - Cancer Cell Unit and Department of Oncology, University of Cambridge, Madan developed novel approaches and applications of single DNA molecule and single cell methodology for analysis of genomes and genome dynamics and genome variation. These techniques provide insight into nuclear, mitochondrial and epigenomic plasticity and novel ways to map and describe DNA changes in normal processes like aging and disease including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and inherited diseases.

"Madan interacts extensively with universities and institutes in India including Institute for Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine ( an initiative of , the Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, S-VYASA - The “Yoga University” (, Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University ( He is a member of the Editorial Board of AYU, An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda ( & Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine ("[1]


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  1. Research Council for Complementary Medicine Trustees, organizational web page, accessed June 20, 2013.