Maharshi Maheshananda

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Biographical Information

"Maharshi Maheshananda is the visionary and developer of Mount Soma. Maharshi is a Master who brings out ancient Vedic Knowledge, the Knowledge at the base of all religions, in modern terms. He is also the protector of the Knowledge, making sure Knowledge is brought out in its purity.

"Maharshi MaheshanandaMaharshi was an honors student in physics and mathematics at Ohio State University prior to obtaining a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and a Masters in Business Administration. For nearly a decade, Maharshi lived a monastic life, studying with great saints and spiritual teachers from India and around the world. From the wisdom and knowledge he gained, Maharshi derived a profound and practical approach to personal growth and health, one that transcends both traditional and alternative methods.

"Maharshi is the only person from the West to ever be awarded the title Adhyatm Vidhya Visharad (mastery of the highest Knowledge of the soul) from Bhagavan Yagnyavalkya Ved Tatavagyan Yogashram, the Sanskrit College at the University of Gujarat, which was given to him in 2007."[1]


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  1. ‎mountsoma About, organizational web page, accessed February 21, 2013.