Mara Gleason

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Biographical Information

"Upon learning there was a growing group of professionals sharing basic principles that illuminate the innate well-being and potential within people, she declared: “When I grow up, I’m going to do what those people do.” The last 17 years have been a journey of discovering these basic principles for her self and working to propagate an understanding of their application to individuals, families, organizations and corporations. She truly sees that these principles have the potential to change the way we think about the human mind, well-being, and what’s possible for human endeavor.

"After obtaining a Master’s degree from Columbia University in 2006, Mara moved to La Conner, Washington to work for Pransky & Associates, an organization that was one of the initial pioneers in these basic principles. In her four years there, she rose quickly from intern to junior to senior consultant, and moved to New York to act as the Director of a New York-based branch of the company. In working with a wide range of executives, organizational leaders and social entrepreneurs she was struck by how many times she heard the question, “Why doesn’t everyone know about this?” In January of 2010, she and her colleague, Aaron Turner, decided to found One Thought, a company dedicated to developing more professionals in this field and working with innovative leaders to allow for more and more people throughout the world to know about this and it’s potential to transform individuals and organizations."[1]


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  1. Three Principles Professional Institute 2013 Faculty Biographies, organizational web page, accessed June 13, 2013.