Marianne Lonergan Curtis

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Biographical Information

"Marianne Lonergan Curtis, CAMT, CFT - Having always been interested in the interrelationship of Eastern Medicine and allopathic medicine, Marianne began her journey and career in Chinese medicine, hands-on healing and spiritual teaching in 1987.

"Since 1991 Marianne has been a practitioner and teacher of Acupressure Massage Therapy, teacher and practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inner Relationship Focusing Trainer, and trained in Chinese Medicine and 5 Element Theory and Shamanic practices. Trained in the science and application of leading edge bioresonance therapy technology, Marianne not only utilizes this in her own practice but also teaches other physicians and practitioners in its use and application. Musician, currently in the realm of creating chant with sacred names. Managing Editor of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Research on Paradigm, Practice and Policy (JACM) since September of 2001 and currently Consulting Editor. She together with her husband, Bruce D. Curtis as Guest Editor has brought forth a special issue on Energy Medicine. Bruce and Marianne travel and teach seminars to aide the education of the soul and teach the Higher Mysteries of Light and enter into professional dialogues regarding the spiritual-scientific synthesis, such as the nature of genetic modification and it’s affects on the human organism. In addition, Marianne is founder and President of Living Foods USA, bringing the highest quality organic fermented whole food probiotics and organic whole food supplements to the greater health community."[1]


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  1. National Health Freedom Coalition Board, organizational web page, accessed July 22, 2013.