Marie Faire

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Biographical Information

"Marie is co-founder of The Beyond Partnership and has been a consultant, conference speaker and trainer for more than twenty five years, working with private, public and voluntary organisations. Previously Marie had direct experience working in the private sector (Retail), Local Government and the NHS.... Following her first degree Marie has gained several post-graduate qualifications including a Masters degree (MA) in Management Learning. She has studied humanistic psychology, extensive training in group dynamics, and Practitioner, Master and Trainer training in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming). She is also certified in Covey "7 Habits", Spiral Dynamics and various psychometric tests including FIRO B and MBTI (Step 1 and 2). A current fascination is the latest research on the human brain, memory, perception and learning... Apart from her daughter, her partner and her work, she lists among her interests "New Physics", travelling, Tai Chi, Scuba diving and learning almost anything."[1]


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  1. The Beyond Partnership Marie Faire, organizational web page, accessed June 15, 2013.