Mark Gamsu

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Biographical Information

"Mark Gamsu was until recently a Programme Director at the Department of Health responsible for policy and strategy to tackle Health Inequalities and Local Improvement. Mark has 25 years experience in the UK voluntary, local government, social care and health sectors. He has also served for 15 years as a trustee of Sheffield Mental Health Citizens Advice Bureau and is on the board of the Community Legal Advice Service for South Yorkshire." [1]

"Mark is currently a visiting professor at Leeds Metropolitan University with a strong interest in the relationship between Citizenship, Inequality and Wellbeing. As well as freelance work in public health, he works part time for Health Action Partnership International, co-ordinating a European Programme promoting Health in All Policies." [2]


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  1. Citizens Advice Trustees, organizational web page, accessed June 28, 2012.
  2. Voluntary Action Sheffield Trustees, organizational web page, accessed June 29, 2012.
  3. Low Commission Commissioners, organizational web page, accessed April 11, 2013.