Mark Hyman

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Biographical Information

"MARK HYMAN, MD is a family physician, a four-time New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader in functional medicine. Dr. Hyman serves as Chairman of the Board for The Institute for Functional Medicine, and was awarded its 2009 Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Award. He is the founder and Medical Director of The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA, where he directs a team of physicians, nutritionists and nurses who utilize a comprehensive approach to health. He formerly served as co-Medical Director at Canyon Ranch Lenox, one of the world's leading health resorts. He is on the Board of Directors of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine, and a faculty member of its Food As Medicine training program. He is also on the Board of Advisors of Dr. Memhet Oz’s HealthCorps, which tackles the obesity epidemic by “educating the student body” in American high schools about nutrition, fitness, and mental resilience. He is a volunteer for Partners in Health, with whom he worked immediately after the earthquake in Haiti, and he continues to help rebuild the Haitian healthcare system.

"Dr. Hyman has testified before the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and has consulted with the Surgeon General on diabetes prevention. He has testified before the Senate Working Group on Health Care Reform on functional medicine, and participated in the White House Forum on Prevention and Wellness in June 2009. With Drs. Dean Ornish and Michael Roizen, Dr. Hyman crafted and helped to introduce the Take Back Your Health Act of 2009 into the United States Senate, to provide for reimbursement of lifestyle treatment of chronic disease. He continues to work in Washington on health reform, recently testifying before a congressional hearing on functional medicine, nutrition, and the use of dietary supplements. Through his work with corporations and government entities, such as CIGNA and the Veterans Administration, he is helping to improve health outcomes and reduce costs around the world. In recognition of his efforts, he was recently awarded The Council on Litigation Management’s 2010 Professionalism Award, citing individuals who have demonstrated leadership by example in the highest standard of their profession. He also received The American College of Nutrition 2009 Communication and Media Award for his contribution to promoting better understanding of nutrition science. He has been featured in recent months on 60 Minutes, Larry King Live, CNN, and MSNBC."[1]


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  1. Institute for Functional Medicine Mark Hyman, organizational web page, accessed February 26, 2013.
  2. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine Editorial Board, organizational web page, accessed July 14, 2013.
  3. Advisory Board, organizational web page, accessed July 21, 2013.