Mark Littlewood

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Biographical Information

"Mark Littlewood is the Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs. Mark was educated at Balliol College, Oxford where he read Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Prior to joining the IEA Mark was the Campaigns Director for the human rights group Liberty. After leaving Liberty in 2004, Mark founded NO2ID, the group which opposes identity cards and the database state. In December 2004 he was appointed Head of Media for the Liberal Democrats and then went on to found Progressive Vision, a classical liberal think tank and was its Communications Director until joining the IEA. During his time at the IEA Mark has written regularly for national and international publications, is a regular blogger on the Daily Mail’s RightMinds website, contributed to Economic Affairs “Gambling and regulation: Why there is nothing to fear from liberalisation” and wrote the chapter “Eternal vigilance can only be part of the strategy” in the book Big Brother Watch: The state of civil liberties. Mark frequently comments on political and economic issues on television and radio including BBC Question Time, Any Questions, Newsnight, Channel 4, Sky News, Today Programme and LBC. "[1]


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  1. Institute of Economic Affairs People, organizational web page, accessed April 6, 2013.