Mark Norbury

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Biographical Information

"Mark Norbury has been appointed as Chief Executive of Chelsea and Westminster Health Charity which raises funds for Chelsea and Westminster Hospital—he joins the Charity on 1 February.

"Mark was previously a Partner of Leaders' Quest, a social enterprise committed to engaging and inspiring leaders from all sectors of society who want to make a difference in their organisations, communities and the wider world.

"Prior to this Mark was Director of the Executive MBA programme at INSEAD, the leading international business school, and he has also worked in various fundraising and management roles for non-profit organisations including the British Red Cross, Diabetes UK and Body Positive (an HIV/AIDS organisation).

"The Charity has launched the Children's Sunshine Appeal to raise £5 million for the new Chelsea Children’s Hospital and it also runs the Hospital Arts programme which owns and maintains the extensive art collection at Chelsea and Westminster."[1]


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  1. Bridges Ventures [ ], organizational web page, accessed June 20, 2013.