Marlow Hotchkiss

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Biographical Information

"Marlow Hotchkiss (73) is a poet, council trainer, avid naturalist and wilderness guide with over 40 years of circle work with young people and adults in classrooms and in nature. He has taught high school and university level courses, in addition to serving for two decades on The Ojai Foundation (TOF) board of directors. He was, with Gigi Coyle and Jack Zimmerman, a founding member of TOF's Leadership Council, and continues today as a senior teacher, and member of the Elders Council. Together with other TOF elders, Marlow offers programs in Europe and Africa and is assisting with the launch of the European Council Network. A co-founder of Mobile School, and a co founder of the Mobile school, an alternative high school in San Francisco, and of Living Systems, a community-building and organizational training outfit, he haws worked extensively with rites of passage for young people and adults. He is a father, a grandfather and (as he cheerfully admits) a sort of "small b" Buddhist for as many years as he can remember."[1]


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  1. Beyond Boundaries Team, organizational web page, accessed June 17, 2013.