Marni Rosen

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Biographical Information

"Marni Rosen became Executive Director of the Jenifer Altman Foundation (JAF) in 1999. Under Marni’s leadership, JAF has partnered with NGOs and other funders to create innovative funding vehicles that empower community leaders to participate in philanthropic decision-making. In 2005, in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Marni co-founded the Gulf Coast Fund, a fund working towards sustainable and just recovery of the region. In partnership with the Global Greengrants Fund and four international NGO networks, she initiated the Global South + Program to support environmental health and justice work globally.

"As part of her portfolio at JAF, Marni also manages the Barbara Smith Fund, a private foundation dedicated to health, healing, and the healing arts, and advises other foundations and individual donors on their environmental health and justice giving. Marni is a co-founder and former co-chair of the Health and Environmental Funders Network, and former chair for the Center for Environmental Health, where she continues to serve on the board. Marni is also is a board member of Clean Production Action , and an “Eggspert” Advisor to Chicken & Egg Pictures, a hybrid film fund and non-profit production company supporting women filmmakers addressing social justice, environmental and human rights issues. Previous board service includes Environmental Grantmakers Association, the Funders Network on Trade and Globalization (now EDGE Funders Alliance), and the American Public Health Association (Environment Section Council)."[1]


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  1. Jenifer Altman Foundation Team, organizational web page, accessed December 22, 2013.