Martin Charter

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Biographical Information

"Martin is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Design at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in Farnham-UK... "In the past he has served as: an advisor on sustainable innovation to Hampshire's Natural Resources Initiative, an advisory board member of the Sustainable Trade and Innovation Centre (STIC) and SEEDA's Environmental Technology Taskforce, a member of the UK Design Museum's judging panel of Design Sense and member of ISO and BSI groups on 'Integrating Environmental Aspects into Product Development' He has an MBA from Aston Business School and has interests in sustainable innovation, green(er) marketing and creativity."[1]

Martin is author and editor of various books and publications including Greener Marketing (1992 and 1999), The Green Management Gurus [e-book] (1996), Managing Eco-design (1997), Sustainable Solutions (2001) and System Innovation for Sustainability (2008).


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  1. Martin Charter, organizational web page, accessed April 15, 2012.
  2. One Earth Innovation About, organizational web page, accessed June 19, 2012.