Martin Prinsloo

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Biographical Information

"Martin Prinsloo is a qualified Chartered Accountant (South Africa). He served his accounting articles at KPMG auditors and holds a BCom (Acc) and a BCom (Hons) from the University of Pretoria. Martin joined RBPlat in March 2009 as Chief Financial Officer. He spent 10 years of his career in investment banking including being appointed to BoE Merchant Bank as director: specialised finance where he headed up the project finance division. In 2003 he joined Anglo Platinum as head of corporate finance and business development where he assumed responsibility for initiating, structuring, negotiating and implementing 3rd party business transactions on behalf of Anglo Platinum, Anglo Platinum’s funding and equity ownership strategy, group taxation, group insurance and its projects approval process. Martin acted in the capacity of CFO on the executive committee of Anglo Platinum for the 17-month period ending November 2008 before joining RBPlat in March 2009 as Chief Financial Officer."[1]

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  1. Royal Bafokeng Platinum Board, organizational web page, accessed August 22, 2012.