Martin Sorrell

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Sir Martin Sorrell is the chief executive of the global advertising and communications group WPP. Prior to that he was the finance director at Saatchi & Saatchi. [1]

Sorrell had studied Economics at Oxford University. [2]

In 2002, Sorrell notoriously described the advertising industry as being in a 'bath-shaped recession', which apparently meant that expenditure on advertising would slide steeply, stagnate over a prolonged period, then eventually recover. [3]

In December 2005, an expensive divorce resulted in Sorrell cashing in £12m of his shares in WPP.[4] In 2005, Sorrell receieved a remuneration of £52m from WPP. [5]

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  1. Advisory Board, European Management Institute, accessed August 26, 2008.
  2. Cool Earth Founders, organizational web page, accessed July 2, 2012.
  3. Business for New Europe Advisory Council, organizational web page, accessed December 6, 2014.