Mary Tocco

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Biographical Information

"MARY TOCCO is an educator on natural health with special expertise in dangerous side effects of vaccines. She is well known for her acclaimed video presentation, Are Vaccines Safe?, which has been seen on the Internet by over 80,000 people. In 1994, Mary became involved with Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines, a non-profit organization supporting the right of parents to waive vaccines if they choose. She testified before the government health policy committee and was instrumental in stopping a bill that would have denied a “philosophical exemption”. She founded the Precious Health Campaign, is on the Board of World Association for Vaccine Education, is the Director of Vaccine Research and Education for Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines, and is on the panel of Ask-the-Experts for Mothering Magazine. "[1]


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  1. Freedom Force International Hall of Honor, organizational web page, accessed July 22, 2013.