Masami Saionji

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Biographical Information

"Mrs. Masami Saionji, born in Tokyo, Japan, is a descendant of the Royal Rykyu Family of Okinawa. She was educated at the prestigious Gakushuin School in Tokyo and went abroad to the United States to study English language at Michigan State and Stanford Universities. Mrs. Saionji's love for traditional arts led her to become Master (Shihan) of Japanese Classical Dance where-in she taught students for more than ten years.

"In her teens, Masami Saionji met Masahisa Goi, author of the Universal Message and Prayer, May Peace Prevail On Earth and founder of the international movement of world peace through prayer. She became a devout student of Founder Goi's philosophies and was soon adopted by him as his daughter and successor. After the passing of Mr. Goi in 1983, Mrs. Saionji took leadership over the movement of world peace through prayer and became Chairperson of The World Peace Prayer Society.

"Mrs. Saionji has dedicated her life to the attainment and awakening of global consciousness for personal as well as planetary peace. She is regarded as a leader in the human potential movement and is highly respected as a spiritual teacher both in Japan and throughout the world. She travels extensively on speaking tours and has led peace ceremonies on every continent and in major cities around the world. She has touched thousands of peoples' lives through her guidance and inspiration.

"Mrs. Saionji also serves as Chairperson of The Goi Peace Foundation, The Byakko Shinko Kai and is an honorary member of The Club of Budapest, and the World Wisdom Council. She and her husband, Hiroo Saionji, President of The World Peace Prayer Society, and three daughters live in Tokyo, Japan. Their second daughter, Rika Saionji, is Vice President of The World Peace Prayer Society."[1]


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  1. World Peace Prayer Society Masami Saionji, organizational web page, accessed May 6, 2012.