Matt Lyons

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Biographical Information

"Matt Lyons has always had an interest in the UFO phenomenon even before his teens, following the Gerry Anderson UFO series and then moving onto the Spielberg Close Encounters film, Jeff Wayne and the War of Worlds musical.

"A conservatoire graduate musician by profession, he had always looked for more factually based and scientifically evaluative approaches to the UFO phenomenon. After reading key authors such as Jacques Valee, John Keel and Jenny Randles, he joined the British UFO Research Association in 2009, impressed by their nearly fifty years of researching and investigating the wider aspects that form the UFO subject.

"He passed the Investigation Training Course in 2009 and began to reconstruct the magazine archive digitally which ensured that newcomers to the organisation and the public would be able to enjoy the complete archive, without having to bid in random sales as and when past issues only occasionally became available for sale..." [1]


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  1. atlanticcoastufos Matt Lyons, organizational web page, accessed September 16, 2013.