Matthew Gregory

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Biographical Information

"Matthew has been working in the field of personal and organisation change for the last 20 years. His work is focused on enabling leaders, teams and organisations to transform the results they produce. Before starting his own business in 2007, he spent nine years working for KPMG, one of the Big 4 global accounting and consulting firms.

"Matthew has worked with a wide range of leaders over the last decade and has a particular expertise in enabling them to convert change efforts into tangible results. He spent two of his last four years at KPMG leading an organisation-wide change programme for the top two tiers of leaders in KPMG Corporate Finance. The programme focused on breaking through to new levels of personal and organisational performance. During the programme engagements with fees in excess of £750k increased from four to 17, and the managing board attributed part of the 29% growth in income to the work of this programme.

"Matthew has experience in a wide range of sectors, including professional services, investment banking, automotive, construction, utilities, retail, manufacturing and financial services. He has worked with the following clients: KPMG, BP, Addax Petroleum, Anglo American, National Capital Bank (KSA), EC Harris, Coller Capital, Wesleyan Assurance, GVA Grimley, Shakespeare Putsman, Birmingham City Council and Coventry Business School.

"Along with a first class honours degree in Business Studies, in 2005 Matthew completed a three-year Masters degree in Change Agent Skills & Strategies, which is a highly practical programme focusing on advanced coaching and facilitation skills and leading change within organisations. He has been trained in the following personal and organisation development approaches: Gestalt psychology, NLP, Transactional Analysis and Psychosynthesis. These psychological models underpin his interventions. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and is a qualified to use a range of psychometric tools.  He is a recent graduate of the Newfield Ontological Learning Course – Pursuing Mastery for Experienced Coaches."[1]


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  1. Next Action Associates Matthew Gregory, organizational web page, accessed July 17, 2013.