Matthew Litobarski

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Biographical Information

"Former Global Supply Chain President of Cadbury Schweppes plc, Matthew has over 30 years’ experience in both functional roles (research and development, marketing and supply chain) and general management roles in FMCG companies. He has extensive experience of supporting and leading mergers, acquisitions and disposals of businesses in beverages and confectionery, and has integrated and developed a number of new businesses following acquisition.

"Since retiring from full-time employment in 2005, Matthew has taken on a varied portfolio of roles in both the voluntary and business sectors. He is currently a volunteer mentor for Trail Blazers, a charitable organisation aimed at working with young offenders to reduce the risk of their reoffending after release from prison. Previously he was non-executive director for Uniq plc, a chilled desserts, salad and fish business with manufacturing and sales operations in the UK and around Europe."[1]


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  1. Narco Matthew Litobarski, organizational web page, accessed June 29, 2012.