Mattia Romani

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Biographical Information

"Dr. Mattia Romani has been Senior Visiting Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics and a Senior Advisor to McKinsey and Co Climate Change Special Initiative. Before joining McKinsey in September 2009, Romani worked between 2007 and 2009 as the lead economist on Lord Nicholas Stern’s team in the UK Government Department of Energy and Climate Change. In this role, he led projects on low-carbon growth strategies for China, India, Korea, and Japan. He was the UK representative on the China Task Force on a low-carbon economy (for the China Council).

"Dr. Romani was seconded to the Stern Report Team in September 2007 from Royal Dutch Shell, where he was senior economist in the scenarios team and supported the Group's Chief Economist on advising the Executive Committee on a number of strategic and economic issues. He was co-author of the most recent round of the Shell 2050 global energy scenarios focusing on climate change issues and energy modeling. Before Shell, he was an economist with the World Bank in Washington DC, where he worked on microeconomic research in the Research Group (DEC) and on projects related to information sharing and connectivity in the Africa region, in Côte d'Ivoire and Madagascar.

"Romani obtained his DPhil in 2003 from the University of Oxford (St. Antony's College), where his research focused on the role of innovation in the agricultural commodity markets. He studied his MSc in Development Studies at the London School of Economics. He gained his BSc at the Scuola S'Anna in Pisa (Italy) and attended a United World College."[1]


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  1. Global Green Growth Institute Mattia Romani, organizational web page, accessed July 16, 2012.