Maxine Edney

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Biographical Information

"Maxine Edney joined Centrepoint in 2008 as chief operations officer. Prior to this she set up and ran a successful management consultancy company for nine years during which time she worked with a large number of not-for-profit organisations specialising in and supporting the homeless, vulnerable young people, people with drugs and alcohol issues, mental health and learning disabilities... Maxine has a long track record of working in housing and supported housing dating back over 25 years. Maxine started her career as a civil servant working at the Department of the Environment, she moved onto The Housing Corporation and from there into supported housing, working first for a large national provider as London regional director and next as director of housing and care for a large specialist provider. Maxine went on to take up the role of Chief Executive of a London youth homeless agency, a role she held for five years prior to setting up her management consultancy."[1]

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  1. Centrepoint Maxine Edney, organizational web page, accessed July 3, 2012.