Megan Swoboda

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Biographical Information

"Megan Swoboda is Co-Director of The Ruckus Society, where she manages operations, fundraising, and communications, and helps coordinate programming with Co-Director Sharon Lungo. Megan grew up in the Midwest, and earned her B.A. (English) in the Pacific Northwest, before moving to Oakland, CA, in 2004. Megan's organizing background includes queer rights, anti-war efforts, anti-racist organizing, and environmental justice. She worked with Julia Butterfly Hill at Circle of Life from 2004-2006, where she managed Julia's speaking tours and helped develop the Bridging the Divide program to bring an anti-racist environmental justice lens to traditional environmental groups. She completed the Challenging White Supremacy program in 2005, and Movement Generation's Liberation Permaculture course for social justice activists in 2010. Her political vision is centered in anti-capitalist environmental justice with a focus on food justice and animal liberation, through the balance of individual responsibility and systemic accountability. Megan has been a member of the Ruckus staff since 2006, is a climb trainer in the volunteer Ruckus network, and a member of The Catalyst Project's Fundraising Team and the Brass Liberation Orchestra."[1]

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  1. Ruckus Society Megan Swoboda, organizational web page, accessed April 5, 2012.