Mehmet Aydin

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Biographical Information

"Professor Mehmet Aydin has a scholarly background in theology and holds a PhD in the History of Philosophy. He serves in the Turkish Council of Ministers as Minister of State, encompassing religious institutions, the Turkish citizenry in residence abroad, and state relations with Central Asian Republics. As a representative of the Justice and Development Party from Izmir, he was elected to Parliament in the 2002 general elections. Professor Aydin maintains active involvement in European Affairs with particular regard to cultural and religious issues.

"He has taught a wide range of subjects, including the philosophy of ethics, politics and religion, and served as Dean in the Faculty of Theology, at the Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir from 1993 to 1999. Professor Aydin is the author of numerous articles on philosophical and religious topics, as well as on broader cultural issues and human right policies. The innovative aspect of his work draws upon the role of Turkish and Islamic scholarship in the history of philosophy. In addition to being an active participant in national and international academic institutions, he served as a member of the Higher Advisory Committee for Human Rights."[1]  


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  1. United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Members of the UNAOC High Level Group, organizational web page, accessed April 29, 2013.