Michael E. Roberts

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Biographical Information

"Michael E. Roberts has served as the president of First Nations Development Institute since 2006... is a founding board member and chairman of First Nations Oweesta Corporation, and serves on the grants review committee of First Nations' Eagle Staff Fund.

"Prior to First Nations, Mr. Roberts spent five years in private equity; most recently he operated his own consulting firm, Camus Consulting in Denver, Colorado. He provided private equity investment advice to high-worth, angel investors. Mr. Roberts' private equity experience includes providing due diligence, financial analysis, strategic planning and monitoring, and investment recommendations to the principals and investment directors of Meritage Private Equity Fund, a private equity firm with more than $340 million under management.

"Mr. Roberts also spent two years with Kansas City Equity Partners (KCEP), a highly respected mid-west venture capital firm. His tenure with KCEP was in conjunction with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation's Fellows Program.

"Mr. Roberts also serves as a board member for Native Americans in Philanthropy, the National Center for Family Philanthropy, as well the advisory committee for the Lakota Fund, Indian Country's first community development financial institution. He received his master of business administration from the University of Washington with an emphasis in finance and operations management, and a bachelor's of environmental design degree in architecture from the University of Colorado[1]

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  1. First Nations Development Institute Michael E. Roberts, organizational web page, accessed April 17, 2012.
  2. Fair Food Network Board, organizational web page, accessed April 17, 2012.
  3. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders Steering Committee, organizational web page, accessed August 13, 2018.