Michael Fowle

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Biographical Information

"Michael is a Chartered Accountant. He is a Non Executive Director of ICICI Bank UK (since 2003). Michael worked at KPMG from 1962-2000. He was CEO then Chairman of KPMG London & South (1993-98), having formerly been head of the UK audit practice and head of the worldwide banking practice. He was Chairman of KPMG India from1996-2000. Michael's pro-bono appointments include: Trustee, Prince's School of Traditional Arts (since 2009) and a Director of Independent Schools Council (2009-). Previously he was Chairman of Rugby School (2002-09) and Chief Treasurer for St John Ambulance (1999-02). Michael became a Trustee of The Place2Be in 1998 and has been Chairman since 1999."[1]

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  1. Place2Be Michael Fowle, organizational web page, accessed March 26, 2012.