Michael Liebreich

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Biographical Information

"Michael Liebreich is an experienced venture capitalist and entrepreneur. Michael is the CEO Bloomberg New Energy Finance Limited (NEF), which is a partner in the Co-Management of the WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NEX). NEF is a specialist provider of financial information to the renewable energy and energy technology industry, and its investors. NEF also provides consultancy and transaction support: it is based in the U.K. but is global in scope, http://www.newenergyfinance.com.

"The investment analysis at NEF covers the sectors of: biofuels; biomass, solid waste and biogas; efficiency breakthroughs; electricity storage; fuel cells; geothermal; hydro (small scale); hydrogen; marine, renewable extraction of energy from the sea; passive energy saving; solar; and wind power.

"During 2000 and 2001, Michael was UK Managing Director of a Groupe Arnault division that invested $700m in technology, media and telecommunications. Before that, Michael was Deputy Managing Director of Associated Press Television, and also spent 5 years with McKinsey & Company in their London office, working throughout Europe and North America, specializing in operations and finance. " [1]


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  1. WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index Michael Liebreich, organizational web page, accessed June 4, 2013.