Michel Canet

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Biographical Information

"Born in France, Michel Canet is a civil engineer from Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics in Paris. I have then passed a Masters on Construction and Environment in the Centre des Hautes Etudes de la Construction in 1975. After a few years as design engineer in the a French Subsidiary of the Bouygues Group, Michel expatriated to perform construction activities:

  • In Africa - for four years - to construct facilities for the oil industry ;
  • In the Middle East - for three years - to construct infrastructures ;
  • In South Africa - for eight years - as a manager of a subsidiary of the french construction company: Spie Batignolles. During this period, I have been involved on projects related to water and infrastructure sectors.

"He joined Veolia Water Group nine years ago and is presently Executive Vice-President of Major Projects Group within Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, a subsidiary of Veolia Water... As an additional activity Michel is a Councellor of Foreign Trade for France. As a member of IDA has co-chaired a session in the IDA World Congress 2005 in Singapore." [1]


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  1. International Desalination Association Michel Canet, organizational web page, accessed July 23, 2012.