Millie Banerjee

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Biographical Information

"Millie Banerjee has had a long and varied career in both the private and public sectors. She spent 25 years with BT, which culminated in her holding the post of Director of BT Products and Services.

"Other previous roles include Director of HR, following which she became the COO at ICO Global Communications. Millie is currently the Chair of the British Transport Police Authority, and the Nominet Trust.

"Millie is also a Board member of Barts Health, and has held several non-executive appointments including a non-executive director of the Cabinet Office, Channel 4 TV, the Prisons Board, the Peabody Trust and Ofcom. She was also the Chair of Postwatch, and the postal regulator Postcomm and the Carnegie UK Trust.

"Having studied at Camden School for Girls, Millie went on to attend University College London and Greenwich University, from where she has an honorary doctorate. Millie is the High Sheriff of Greater London for the year 2012 to 2013."[1]


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  1. Working Links Board, organizational web page, accessed May 7, 2013.